The Tragic Tale of Thomas and Louisa Ann Rawcliffe: The Last Man To Be Hanged at Lancaster Castle. 1910


So I wanted to write about Thomas and Louisa Ann Rawcliffe as I believe delving into their lives has given me another perspective on the life and times of this unfortunate couple in times of hardship in the Town of Lancaster. However what I am writing Is not confirmed and thus is another link to the tragic end of Louisa and Thomas.


Thomas Rawcliffe was born in 1878 in Lancaster to Thomas and Ann living at Back Queen Street in the small houses backing onto the street. His Father Thomas, was a plasterer and would often find work the best he can around the Town. Sadly when Thomas was 2 years old, he Tragically fell from a second story window at 5 Back Queen street where he lived with his parents. He was to be severely injured after landing on his head. He spent the following year visiting surgeons, In an attempt to have the fluid from his head drained out of him.

This must have had such an effect on his health and with regards to it being a time of adequate surgery, must have been painful.

Back Queen Street taken by Sam Thompson in 1927


Thomas like his Father, would follow on in his footsteps and become a labourer but it wouldn't be long before he was In trouble with the law. He was sentenced to Prison a few times during the 1890s in his 20s for stealing fruit, Two Pigeons and also 3 pounds, 10 shillings, being sentenced every time for around 4 months at a time. I believe due to his head injury, he had been affected and this caused problems with who he hung around with.

At the time of his arrests, Thomas lived with his Parents 15 Eastham street in Lancaster. Thomas would later go on to meet Louisa Ann Tarney in 1906 who I feel had suffered just like Thomas had. Louisa had a Child out of wedlock in 1904 (Joseph Tarney) and thus had felt an outcast to her family and friends. As we already know, They both lived in a 1 room house tucked away in Tyler's Yard behind Cheapside in Lancaster.


15 Eastham street, Lancaster 



I'm succumb to a feeling of depression, Poverty and isolation in a yard which like many in Lancaster, didn't receive much light of day. I believe Louisa had experienced poverty having lived with her family in China Lane during the 1890s which I previously wrote about and titled it "a miniature Whitechapel". Thomas seems to have worked labour Jobs when they came up while his wife stayed at home in Tyler's yard and later looking after their children who were born between in 1906 (Mary) and 1909. (Thomas) Louisa had twice tried to commit suicide before meeting Thomas which I think was due to the feeling of being an outcast as we previously mentioned.


Thomas and Louisa's 1 room home in Tyler's Yard, behind property in Cheapside Lancaster


She and Thomas proceeded with making a packed, that they would both Commit suicide together and in doing so, Thomas strangled Louisa at around 7.00 p.m on 6th of September 1910 and then proceeded with swallowing rat poison.. all while I believe while the children were in the same room, as we believe he laid the youngest child next to her before passing out. Things didn't work out as planned and Thomas woke back up next to his children the following morning and panicked. Evidence suggests that it was 2 days before confessed, when he went to PC Wilkinson, who was Patrolling Horseshoe corner just up the road from Tyler's yard and told him of his Crime. He told Wilkinson "I have killed my wife", and took him to the scene to view Louisa’s body. he was then arrested.

Thomas and Louisa Ann Rawcliffe 


I do believe out of all of the speculations and allegations which were thrown at Thomas, in the end had a biased trial. Some of the media claimed he was drunk upon his crime and although he has records to show he liked a drink, having been prosecuted in 1909 for neglecting his family. He had actually given up drinking prior to the killing. Other stories written were that his wife was an energetic hard working lady, though the press at the time reported she was frail and small and that Thomas was 5'1 yet he was wrote to be a "Large Bully" I simply think Thomas had a level of learning difficulties due to the accident he had as a young child and this affected him all his life.


Artwork of Tyler's yard which dates back to 1679


Thomas would go on to be hanged at 8am on the 15th October 1910 for his crime, although stating in his defence that he did his crime for his Wife. It is noted that Thomas was calm upon the morning of his execution and sung hymns.. he was delighted to hear his children were going to receive the proper looking after


Execution records of Thomas Rawcliffe 


After Thomas's Death, his Children, Mary Ann and Thomas, were moved into a Catholic orphanage and looked after by Nuns while Louisa's oldest Child, Joseph Tarney was sent to live in Canada. Once his children were old enough, Mary would decide to move away down south to Devon, with her Brother Thomas following soon after. Thomas would sadly have an unfortunate ending to his life at only 33, when he was accidentally set alight after lying on a bed soaked in Lighter fluid, having lit a cigarette. Mary would go on to pass away in 1990.


Children Mary Ann and Thomas Rawcliffe 



Today there is no remains of Tyler's Yard other than the yard entrance which can still be walked under 

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